Our Google & Facebook Ad Campaigns
Quality leads
Leads that convert. NOT just a bunch of names and phone numbers. Our leads contain Name, Phone, Email, % Down, Loan Amount Required, and other pertinent info for you to follow up with them like the boss that you are.
Exclusive Leads
You Expect a steady flow of leads with a high conversion, right? I also assume you're not expecting your marketing agency to pimp the SAME leads they are sending you, to every other LO in town?? Good. We would never do that. Your leads are YOUR leads. We are partners. 100% Transparency.
Immediate Results
There will be no doubt where your ad dollars are being spent. Do you want to see serious results in the first 48 hours?
No problem. That's how we do it.
Deal Flow Example From an Actual Ad
Real Estate Leads via Facebook
Yes, that's correct! Facebook is the largest social media platform on the planet and every type of buyer and seller lead you can imagine will be found there. Through much trial, error, and money spent, we have become experts at implementing cost effect Facebook ad campaigns.

Zillow, Trulia, & Realtor.com
True Partners
Our leads are exclusive. Only 1 Agent per area, unlike these other guys who syndicate their leads out to multiple agents to fight for. (it's unethical)
No Contract Hostage Taking
You are never bound to any long-term contracts and cancellation penalties
You get personal attention and can change lead locations any time (as long as the area is available)
Real-Time Leads Direct To Inbox
Did I mention that the leads are exclusive, straight to your inbox, daily? (no infighting with other agents, the way it should be)
Hi, I'm Kyle!
Do you want that #1 Google Spot? How about more clients, NOW? I've got you covered either way.
With over 10 years of experience building and ranking websites, driving targeted web traffic, and innovating what PPC has become, my team and I have all the experience and savvy you'll ever need to stay competitive, even in the toughest niches.

Helping Home Owners Live Their Dreams
The Real Estate Marketing Authorities
Sharon K. is our local Denver Real Estate specialist.
Sharon has been immersed in real estate investing, as well as commercial and residential real estate since 2008. She’s a veteran fix-and-flipper and landlord.
She also has a background in mortgage lending and will be a great asset to you no matter what your needs are.
The Real Estate market in Denver, CO has never looked better. Interest rates are low and there are plenty of opportunities for you in this vast market.
Whether you are buying a personal residence, investment property to flip or rent out for long term cash flow, or need to sell a property FAST, we can help you.
We have over 18 years of combined Real Estate experience with many connections in the local market to take advantage of. Let’s talk about how we can team up to meet your immediate needs.